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Traditional English songs and dance tunes performed on acoustic instruments

Christmas Gigs 2025

Advance notice of our Christmas shows next December - including a change of venue for our flagship Oxford concert.

see News & Gigs for details

Magpie Lane on Bandcamp

Our three most recent CDs - 'The 25th', 'Three Quarter Time', and 'The Robber Bird' - are available to purchase or download from magpielane.bandcamp.com

The Robber Bird CD coverThree Quarter Time CD coverThe 25th CD cover

"a group of talented musicians and singers with an obvious love of the folk idiom"

"the finest English Folk Band for concerts"

"quite the best offering of English traditional songs and dance tunes that has come this way in many a day"

"a further quintessential expression of Englishness and musical and vocal excellence"

Magpie Lane April 2018

Magpie Lane perform traditional English music and song. They combine powerful vocals 
with vigorous dance tunes - inventive arrangements on acoustic instruments.

Magpie Lane appear regularly at top national Festivals - including Sidmouth, Towersey, 
Fylde and Chippenham - and have recorded ten critically acclaimed CDs.

We were superbly entertained, it is wonderful to see a group of talented musicians and singers with an obvious love of the folk idiom playing such a variety of well thought out arrangements. Our pleasure was compounded by the fact that you clearly enjoyed the evening yourselves. Long may Magpie Lane continue and we look forward to your next visit.
Bill Wilkes, Grand Union Folk Club
In my opinion the finest English Folk Band for concerts... Magpie Lane release a much-anticipated CD which still manages to exceed our high expectations... if I want to show someone why I love English folk music, I can play them this.
Flos Headford, Shreds and Patches
quite the best offering of English traditional songs and dance tunes that has come this way in many a day... a well chosen and balanced programme, full of change of pace and variety
Vic Smith, Sussex Folk Diary
What is so special and indeed unusual about the band is their combination of strong stage presence, delivery, technical skill and instinctive verve, with a genuinely scholarly understanding of the music at its core.
Jon Boden, English Dance & Song, Summer 2012
this Oxfordshire sextet represents the very best in the English country dance and song tradition
Sing Out
I have heard it said that Oxford on Fire was one of the best concerts we have ever put on at Chippenham. I would like to agree with that and thank you all for your hard work, input and enthusiasm for the gig.
Bob Berry, Chippenham Folk Festival
release consistently good albums of English songs and music
Mike Harding, BBC Radio 2
"Traditional English songs and dance tunes performed on acoustic instruments". These modest words of theirs tell only a small part of the story. The Oxfordshire-based quintet marry a deep love of their material with an unflashy musicality and a seriousness of purpose that is never solemn. This is traditional music with nothing taken out and just the right soupçon of seasoning.
Jon Boden & Fay Hield, Royal Traditions, Dungworth
Thanks for another great evening. Every time Magpie Lane appear at Ringwood Folk club we are near to capacity, with plenty of great singing from you and the audience. It's really good to hear proper Southern English Traditional music played so well.
Rod Biggs, Ringwood Folk Club
We have had some superb feedback from audience members. The fact that each member is not only a fine singer but also an instrumentalist in many ways makes the band quite unique. We have been scratching our heads trying to think of another English act which is able to offer the same standard of performance!
Alan & Maggie, The Barn in Baston